Practical Visionary
My vision: A just and equitable world.
My personal mission: To go about doing good and to challenge the status quo so that everyone can live the life they desire and deserve.
Values: Gratitude. Inclusiveness. Flexibility. Trust.
Meet Janet
After years as a cook and kitchen manager, high school teacher, department chair, librarian, communications manager, fundraiser, grant writer, school president -- and wife and mother of three -- Janet integrates her many experiences of exploring life’s possibilities, pivoting, and starting over to accompany others on their journeys.
Janet has offered a plethora of retreats, workshops, and webinars; published numerous articles and e-guides, and five books; and coached more than 650 individuals since 2015.
During her more than half-century of life, Janet has encountered challenges and opportunities and experienced success and failure, and has gained tremendous insight from others along the way. Janet certainly doesn’t know everything, but she hopes that what she has come to understand will benefit others.
Areas of interest: social and racial justice; challenging the status quo; empowering women; holistic living.
Personal interests and hobbies: reading, writing, walking, biking, roller skating, cooking, laughing, gardening, and dancing.
Places I’ve lived: California (born & raised), Oregon, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Chicago (transplant but the place I call home).
Check out a few of my guest blog/Q&A posts to learn more about me
Why She Left the Convent to Embrace Change
Check out my TEDx Talk and some podcasts
Interested in more? Listen in on the podcast discussions with The Nonprofit Coach (8/20/ 2021) and the Intersection Hub (2/25/2022)
Check out my books