Bit-of-Joy #4
Joy is a decision, a really brave one, about how you are going to respond to life – Wess StaffordOn this July 4th, the celebration of Independence Day for the United States, in a time when the political climate is tense and many are stressed and distressed - we MUST decide how we respond to life.When all is well personally and politically, when babies are smiling and the sun is shining - it is easier to find the joy in life, in the little and big things.When times are tough, deciding to be grateful and choose JOY takes a bit more. At these moments we smile (fake it 'til we make it), we hope, we decide to look for the positive and to hold on through the darkness.Today, I decide to find the joy -- for all those for whom Independence Day did not become reality on July 4th, 1776; for those who celebrate emancipation on Juneteenth (June 19th); for those who live in fear and danger yet today because of hatred and apathy.Today, I decide to choose joy because embracing joy gives me the strength and courage to fight for justice.