Bit-of-Joy #20

Don’t be afraid to trust and go where your joy takes you. – Anita MoorjaniThis idea can be frightening. Just trust. It conjures up images of the old 'trust falls' popular during high school retreats in the 1970s. One person stands behind the other and expects the person in front to simply fall back into their arms -- 'trust me'.But life isn't a trust fall that would simply result in a bruised tailbone if it fails.While we've all heard stories of those who made the incredible decision to walk away from a corporate job to follow their dreams - and made millions, for every millionaire, how many have experienced chaos and financial failure? I'm certainly all for walking away from toxic or dangerous situations, don't get me wrong.But 'going where your joy takes you' doesn't mean you need to abandon all life structures and instantaneously jump all in to 'find your bliss, the rest of you be damned.' Sometimes going where joy takes you can mean taking steps towards your dreams, making plans, taking precautionary measures and moving slowly towards your goals.You must trust yourself to know which method will work for you.The important words, in my opinion, in Anita Moorjani's quote is 'don't be afraid'. Making decisions rooted in fear often leads to pain and sorrow. Operating from fear keeps us from listening to our own - or others' - wisdom.GO -- quickly - or slowly - or in starts and stops -- just be not afraid.Can you share a time when your method of 'going where your joy takes you' led you in the wrong direction and you had to make a U-turn?


Bit-of-Joy #21


Bit-of-Joy #19