AtoZ Holistic Self-care: C is for Celebrate

Often when we focus on self-care, we think about what we haven’t done or “should”do. We make lists to “do this, don’t do that.”

My suggestion today is that we CELEBRATE!


CELEBRATE YOUR BODY – the good and the less than perfect; what works great and what hurts or causes pain; what you love and what you wish was different. Celebrate the body that has carried you to this day.


CELEBRATE YOUR MIND – when you are quick and alert, and when you feel like you’re in a fog. Whether you were a straight A student or you dropped out of school. Don't allow someone else's grading scale determine your brilliance. Celebrate the beauty of your mind with all its complexity.


CELEBRATE YOUR SPIRIT – your up moods and your down. Allow yourself to feel. Pay attention to how you feel. Don’t judge – just honor. Honor each and every emotion. Celebrate all the feels. [I want to honor the reality that some of us live with emotions that are difficult to manage, like depression. I do not want to be flippant. I offer that while living with depression it is possible to honor the wonderful person you are. We do not need to allow this disease to define us.]

Celebrate all that you have and are in body, mind and spirit - and all that you already do to take care of yourself.

Do you celebrate who you ARE as part of your self-care? Which is most difficult for you to celebrate - body, mind, or spirit?


AtoZ Holistic Self-care: D is for Dance


A2Z Holistic Self-care: B is for Brush