AtoZ Holistic Self-care: L is for Laugh

My high school yearbook senior quote reads: “Laugh and theclass laughs with you, but you stay after school by yourself.”

Once the class clown and avid giggler, I don’t laugh nearlyas much as when I was younger. But I still struggle to get through telling ajoke without laughing first – which can drive people crazy. And one of myfavorite things about getting together with my family of origin and old friendsfrom high school is how much we can make each other laugh.

Laughing is critical to self-care:

Body: Laughing burns calories and massages intestinal muscles.

Mind: Laughing helps you forget your troubles – even if at least for alittle bit.

Spirit: Laughing sparks joy and dispels sadness – even if at least for alittle bit.

Have you laughed lately?


AtoZ Holistic Self-care: M is for Massage


AtoZ Holistic Self-care: K is for Kindle (one day late)