Bit-of-Joy #11
Look within. Be still. Free from fear and attachment, know the sweet joy of living in the way. – BuddhaThe various quotes I've gathered to share in this Bits-of-Joy in July series were gathered a few years ago when I actually had a business idea. Without going into detail on that, as part of my process, I searched the internet for quotes on JOY. The list has sat in my documents since 2015.As I scroll through the list each morning to decide which quote I will share for the day, I have been struck by the wide variety of folks on the list: Buddha, Mother Teresa, Sri Sri, Deepak Chopra, Theodore Roosevelt, Brene Brown, Rumi, Joseph Campbell....the list goes on.And the basic ideas remain the same:
- Be still.
- Look within.
- Choose Joy.
- Practice gratitude.
- Let go of fear.
Which leads me to wonder -- if so many folks from different spiritual, political, social, and personal backgrounds are offering similar thoughts, can they all be wrong?And if they are all moving in the same direction, how can we not believe - and practice what they preach?