Bit-of-Joy #12

Connect to your Joy: You will always be able to connect to your JOY when you make choices that are nourishing, supportive, feel expansive & uplifting, speak to your heart, and feed your soul! - UnknownLast night I stayed up late watching a silly program, ate too late, slept poorly, and am feeling like a ton of bricks this morning.To make the choices that allow us to connect to our JOY, we must know what activities, foods, habits, and relationships nourish, support, expand, uplight, speak to our heart, and feed our souls.Eating junk food too late does none of these things. Lesson learned? Perhaps.Thankfully, I'm off to a relaxing day of doing whatever strikes my fancy. The wallpaper needing to be removed in the last of three rooms can wait....What can you do today to connect to your joy?#enJOYyourday


Bit-of-Joy #13


Bit-of-Joy #11