This Morning, I Came Up for Air
I’m not sure if any of you have noticed that I’ve not been as active as usual in the blog-o-sphere over the last few weeks. I had been working towards (and included in my 101 Things in 1095 Days) the habit of posting a general blog, an In-the-Kitchen blog, and a Book Review each week. When I jumped into the Heroine’s Journey series, I thought I could keep this up.But then a few deadline-driven projects took over.And since, like everyone else, I only have 24 hours in a day, I had to make choices. While the projects aren’t quite finished, they are on track to be finished by the deadline and so, today, I came up for air.I’m happy to report that I didn’t let the projects totally consume me:I’ve practiced my morning Winter Wellness routine. The 2 days I skipped because I slept in a bit, I MISSED it so much! I’ll think twice before making that choice again.Last night when I wrapped up a portion of the project, I caught up on reading many of the blog posts I’ve missed. I couldn’t comment on all of them – but I sure enjoyed catching up. I didn’t realize how much I feel like I’m in conversation with my blogging friends each week – until I didn’t ‘hear’ from you because I wasn’t checking my inbox.I missed the insight and inspiration you all share!I’m hoping that over the next few weeks (with the project still on track) I can juggle reading at least one or two blogs each day (my new mini-goal) so they don’t stack up.This morning, I also took some time to attend a workshop on a topic I’ve been mulling over for months, if not years – branding (for nonprofit coaching business). I enjoyed the workshop and brought home a few key takeaways that I hope to implement in the coming months.
I look forward to my daughter coming home for an extended school break (March 2-17) - so if my time choices are between the blog-o-sphere and enjoying some quality time with her – she’ll win! Since she’s just shy of 16, those opportunities are very rare.With her returning to school and the projects all coming due in late March, I’m aiming to join the AtoZ Challenge again this year – for the one-year anniversary of my blogging journey.I hope that when I return to my regular posting, linking to Midlife Share the Love, and commenting on your blogs – that you’ll still all be there, ready to join the conversation.Now, back under the deadline…