Will You Walk for Water?
Many of my friends in the blogging and social media world share their efforts to stay healthy - through walking, running, and other forms of exercise. Such a simple, inexpensive habit - good for body and soul.
One of my Winter Wellness Bucket List items was to re-engage with my walking habit. Some weeks I walked more than others, but for the most part the last two weeks I've been less active than I'd like.
So when a former nonprofit client of mine shared about the upcoming Worldwide Walk for Water week -- I thought it'd be a great opportunity to get moving more.
Then I realized, maybe some others would want to join us. The great thing is - you can register without spending a penny! But if you do want to make a donation, your walking does good for you -- and so many more.
You can make a difference…

WorldWide Walk for Water
Over 2,000 people die every day from unclean water and thousands are walking an average of 4 miles a day to fetch water.
March 16-22, 2019