101 Things in 1095 Days Update
101 Things in 1095 Days (3 years) beginning Oct 31, 2018 thru Oct. 31, 2021
When your 101 Things to complete includes substantial writing goals, maintaining a regular blog gets tough. I’ve been absent from the blogging world since April 30, 2019 but return today with a few lessons learned and a few updates to my 101 Things. [In October 2018, I created my first 101 Things in 1095.]
I’ve made some progress in some areas and no progress in other areas – but I’m only a few months in…and as I said in my original post, I hope to complete these in 3 years so that when I’m ready to begin my 60th year on this planet (October 31, 2022) I will have hopefully completed at least a portion of them. Because hey, life happens…
May - December 2019
- Attended son's award ceremony - in San Francisco, also went to Lake Tahoe for first time (mid-May)
- Celebrated husband's doctoral graduation, short trip to Houston (end-May)
- Work trips to Brooklyn (June); Milwaukee WI (Sept); LaCrosse WI (Oct); San Francisco Bay Area, San Diego, Lake Tahoe and Phoenix (Oct-Nov)
- Began patio project (May), completed Labor Day Saturday (Sept)
- Completed first draft of nonprofit business book (late Nov)
101 List
Fundraising Coaching
- Blog professionally (2x/month) for 2018-19 (suspended to work on book & patio)
- Blog professionally (2x/month) for 2019-20 (suspended to work on book & patio)
- Blog professionally (2x/month) for 2020-21 Plan to jump back in Jan 2020.
- Offer monthly Rafflecopter type contest for a free coaching session to a nonprofit org? Need to work on it.
WooHoo! Numbers 5-15 targeted researching and writing Chapters 1-10 of my nonprofit business book - Working Title: Promise Land. I completed 10 chapters plus three transition sections for a total of 13 chapters.
- 16. Edit business book Sent to editor – waiting for return
- 17. Send to beta-readers Sent one copy. Looking for others.
- 18. Review beta-reader comments
- 19. Edit business book again
- 20. Prep for publication
- 21. Create calendar to complement business book
- 22. Market/promote services and book
- 23. Explore new coaching niches to broaden my services (percolating a few ideas)
Writing – Author Platform
Being self-employed allows me the flexibility to develop my writing life. I’ve always wanted to be a published author and to write for a living. I’m grateful for the time I have to further study the craft, develop my voice, and prepare for the next phase in life. If you’ve read my guest posts (Starting Over: Why She Left the Convent to Embrace Change or Terrifying Questions) you’ll understand how many twists and turns my life has taken and why I feel the need to be ready for the next phase.
- 24. Figure out Pinterest No progress
- 25. Figure out why Mailchimp doesn’t connect well to my blog – make needed adjustments – No progress
- 26. Blog weekly “Midlife Musings” in 2018-19 –In April 2019 decided to suspend for the summer to build a patio and work on book. Also wanting to explore different topics.
- 27. Blog weekly “Midlife Musings” in 2019-20 Ditto
- 28. Blog weekly “Midlife Musings” in 2020-21
- 29. Blog weekly in “In the Kitchen” in 2018-2019 In April decided to suspend for the summer to build a patio and work on book. Also wanting to explore different topics.
- 30. Blog weekly in “In the Kitchen” in 2019-2020 Ditto
- 31. Blog weekly in “In the Kitchen” in 2020-2021
- 32.
Complete A-Z Challenge 2019 – 26 blogsDone! - 33. Complete A-Z Challenge 2020 – 26 blogs
- 34. Complete A-Z Challenge 2021 – 26 blogs
- 35. Submit at least 2 articles per month to publications – Submitted only two so far – both rejected Suspending this plan to focus on Medium.com
- 36. If publication submissions are rejected, post them to Medium.com Still receiving very small residuals from these posts.
#37- 63 Non-fiction Writing No further progress on The Radical Heart yet.
- Numbers 37-59 included finishing The Radical Heart Chapters 1 – 22
- 60. Edit The Radical Heart
- 61. Send The Radical Heart to beta-readers
- 62. Review beta-reader comments and edit again.
- 63. Create accessories to complement The Radical Heart
#64-71 Fiction Writing – My focus for 2020
And because life isn’t all work and no play – and I know the importance of enjoying life, I am embracing elements of relaxation, exercise, and gratitude in action.
- 72. Finish 4-6 Jigsaw puzzles. Done last winter. Suspended for summer. Working on #7 now. Hope to complete 6 more by April 30, 2020.
- 73. Roller-skating on any 5th Tuesdays of the month Nope
- 74. Make (and use) prayer stool Nope
- 75. Read 20 novels in 2019 – Actually set my goal to read 75 books total this year. I’m on book 33 now and in the middle of 34 and 35. On target to read 35 novels by year-end.
- 76. Read 20 novels in 2020
- 77. Read 20 novels in 2021
- 78. Read 12 nonfiction books in 2019 – Done – in conjunction with #82 below.
- 79. Read 12 nonfiction books in 2020
- 80. Read 12 nonfiction books in 2021
Gratitude in Action

- 81. Find a ‘cause’ or organization to volunteer for regularly Not yet.
- 82.
Proofread husband’s doctoral thesis– Done! He officially graduated May 23, 2019.
Physical Activity
Consistent activity
- 83. Engage in moderate aerobic activity at least 5 days a week –Done! Spent spring and summer walking or cycling if I wasn’t working on the patio project.
Enjoy bike trails around Chicago –
- 84. North branch - 33.5 miles – rode much of this but not the complete trail.
- 85. Des Plaines - 54.8 miles
- 86. Major Taylor - 7 miles
- 87. Greenbay - 8.9 miles
- 88. Illinois Prairie Path - 61 miles
- 89. All forest preserves
- 90. Use reward points to take vacation – somewhere, with husband Short visit to Houston TX for a Cubs game and great food in celebration of hubby’s graduation in May. He also visit my in San Diego after a conference for two days in October.
- 91. Visit Hong Kong (China) - with my daughter? Followed with horror the violence imposed after peaceful protests, remembering the Tiananmen Square marches in HK 1989.
With the hope that I will not need to work until I’m 900, I hope to address critical areas that need attention BEFORE I am ready to retire, so that when I do – I can truly enjoy life.
House Projects – Spring or summer project
- 92. Paint living room
- 93. Repair front porch
- 94. Enclosed back porch - insulate and re-plaster
- 95.
Fire pit – convert to brick insertDone - 96.
Build back patioDone - 97. Insulate and drywall basement ceiling – Spring 2020 project?
- 98. Basic upgrades to basement bathroom
Personal Finances
99. Establish will, trust, power of attorney – Done
100. Pay OFF credit card debt – slowly but surely – making more than minimum payments
Finally, I hope that my journey
101. Inspire one other person to create a 101 Things in 1001 Days List
Not sure – Have you been inspired?