Changing Directions

Hello anyone who's still following my blog!
I haven't written in almost a year - and for quite a few months before that I'd been sporadic in my posting - because I've been struggling with what direction I wanted to take this blog.
For over a year, I'd been writing what I called "Midlife Musings" and focussing my thoughts very much on finding (and helping other women of midlife) find their voice.
I hoped that I was providing a new and possibly different perspective on life. And for awhile, I think I did. But I found that framing my thoughts as "Midlife Musings" began to stifle me.
I couldn't find my voice!
Because my voice is about so much more than self-awareness and personal empowerment for women in midlife. I have too many thoughts about too many topics - that may or may not deal with midlife.
So, while some of my posts moving forward might be ABOUT midlife, my musings moving forward will be from the perspective of someone who has reached midlife. I will continue to encourage myself and my readers to "find peace, be content, and joy someone" as my tagline suggests, but that means I might also need to seek justice and upset the status quo along the way (as my "about me" section suggests).
So - if you've followed my blog and engaged with my posts purely from the perspective of a "midlife blog" you might be disappointed. But if you're interested in hearing my take on a wide variety of topics - from in the kitchen or garden, book reviews, life, parenting, education, current events, social justice and racism - you're welcome to stick around, leave a comment or two, and join the conversation.
For a taste of what might come - please check out these links to posts I've shared on through the years:
Do Something About it (September 2020)
How to Encourage Healthy Eating and Positive Body Image in Children
How to Help Raise Internally Motivated Kids with Passion (December 2018)
Dispelling the Myth That Children Need Structure (December 2018)